Calling A Circle
with Rosa Nicolosi

Dancing in the Shadow of the Sun
..The focus is not perfection but wholeness
During a ‘body-soul mandala session’ I can assist you in expressing what is surfacing for you in the moment, through the sensations of your body.
While in the comfort of your own space, a circle of safety is created throughout a mandala body-soul session — we are working together with your body systems and organs, structurally differentiating tissue, while using the deep energy of acupressure points and meridians.
With loving support you can recognize this sacred deep communication of your cells with your soul, discovering your heart’s wisdom… that has been with you all along.
Bringing your light to the darkness, releasing what no longer serves you, while being all of who you are.
What is a Mandala?
Mandala is Sanskrit for circle — a sacred circle.
Creating a mandala can help you to relax.
You may feel a new sense of personal freedom in the creative assertion of your ‘wholeness’.
For me personally, it represents being in my full expression of wholeness in a circle of community… with all of humanity.

Mandalas have been used around the world for thousands of years
- In Hinduism, Christianity, and Buddhism, to help people explore the deeper parts of themselves.
- Navajo Native Americans have used them for empowering healing.
- Buddhist monks in Tibet create mandala designs made out of colored sand — by building geometric design granule-by-granule, as a form of meditation. The design detail is suppose to represent the world in Divine form. When the mandala is completed, the monks pray over their creation, then the entire mandala is wiped away releasing what was …because nothing is permanent.
Carl Jung states : “I sketched every morning in a notebook a small circular drawing, a mandala, which seemed to correspond to my inner situation at the time.” “ A mandala is the psychological expression of the totality of the self.”
Mandalas can give form and expression to the unseen.
As Antoine de Saint-Exupéry said in The Little Prince, “ what is essential is invisible to the eye.”

How I Create a Mandala
I love creating on black paper. The black background assists in building up light out of dark. It provides a vastness in a dark deep safe space where I can create a ‘new energy’ out of the innocence of the moment — a rebirth emerging.
And the colors carry a vibrational frequency—expanding your ‘sound healing’. It is taking a sound and expressing it in a circular image from your ‘inner knowing’—
The source of all creation is sound itself.
What We Explore in Your Mandala Session
Composing mandalas can bring to the surface that which we have been afraid to express.
Many have concurred that the way to positive change for humanity is to begin by connecting inside ourselves with love — That is, a love of yourself with all of your human imperfections.
Allow expansion into a new posture — a Divine alignment through your spine — on many levels wholeness.
Experience the vibrational frequency of freedom — with your heart.
You can create a mandala based on what evolves out of your healing session. Or, I can create a mandala for you.
There is also an option to sign up for a 7 day intensive — a week of daily body/soul sessions including your own mandala creations.
A natural evolving of the healing process may lead you to another dimension of yourself called your ‘shadow side’. The shadow is not a bad thing as it just blocks our light.
The shadow which is in a deep level of our unconscious holds the pearls of wisdom that can share more of who we are.
We tend to keep this shadow hidden in order to fit in with the ways of the world.
Darkness, which is different from your shadow is all ways that you judge yourself and suppress your natural way of being, who you are.
As you allow the depth of your darkness your light is allowed to shine… like the sun.

“However great your inner darkness
you are never separate from me”
Bhagavad Gita
Where Mandala Sessions Are Held
The mandala sessions are empowered across the miles through phone or Skype.
(No need for in person sessions)
Does all this bring up questions? — please feel free to contact me.
Fee is based on the type of session and amount of time spent.
I can customize a personalized Mandala Session to your needs.
We can talk more about the different mandala session options that might work for you personally,
on a free initial call together. Click Here to begin.
*Body Soul Integration Sessions are $150 — When includes Mandala work starts at $175, depending upon on your needs.
Mandala Session Experiences

Rosa’s Mandala Sessions were deeply profound for me to explore the places in my body that held deep pain. Her compassionate and intuitive guidance through the sessions helped me to become aware of those deeper parts of myself.
Guiding me gently into my body to transform the pain and to regain access to the inner power that those places held for me.
I am forever grateful for the gifts she shared during the mandala sessions, that brought me into a fuller sense of well being.
T.A. Hendersonville NC

I appreciate your time, your knowledge, your effort for helping me to understand how to connect to my soul, and the meaning of being connected to your soul. I’m honored to learn from your wisdom.
I am being in loving attention with my soul and heart today. When I ask my soul to connect with my cells, asking what the pain is telling me, the answer I received was all different colors and they kept coming. I was in a deep relaxation. It took 5 minutes, then my body wanted to move slowly with the music. I took my drum and played with the music. It was a relaxing end of our week together. I bring all I know now with me, and explore into a new way of being.

Testimonial for Beloved Rosa
The sacred mandala was gifted to me at a time when I thought this lifetime was coming to a close. Having the mandala in space and time with me through this ordeal was comforting and offered significant reassurance that I am truly never alone – in fact, the mandala resonated so deeply that I felt I could embody the Oneness of All.
Thank you Rosa for your creative, healing and intuitive mastery.
Josie Thomson
Begin A Mandala Session
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No payment required at this time.
All information submitted and information shared during calls and sessions will be kept confidentially private.